Successful Tenders
Helping SPED-PACK Kft. to adapt to modern business and production challenges
Tender ID: GINOP-1.2.8-20-2020-02697
Project Title: Helping SPED-PACK Kft. to adapt to modern business and production challenges
Total project cost: HUF 74 126 555
Aid amount: HUF 51 888 589
Aid intensity: 70 %
Project location: Esztergom, Schweidel József utca 2.
Project start date: 27 January 2021.
Project completion date: 23 December 2021
The project enable SPED-PACK Kft. to install the YALE ERP20VF and YALE MS12 electric forklift trucks purchased under the tender, the Craftbot Flow XL 3D printer, IT development and real estate investment, which reduces congestion in the production area, increase production capacity and free up space for the installation of new machines.

Increasing the competitiveness of SPED-PACK Kft.
Tender ID: GINOP-2.1.8-17-2018-01847
Project title: Increasing the competitiveness of SPED-PACK Kft.
Total project cost: HUF 31 061 256
Aid amount: HUF 15 000 000
Aid intensity: 48,29 %
Project location: Esztergom, Mátyás király utca 41
Start of project implementation: 15 April 2018.
Project completion date: 20 June 2018.
During the project, SPED-PACK Kft achieved two main objectives in its printing processes with 2 colour Flexo printing machines with live automatic feeding table.
The first of these goals is the increase in capacity, which has doubled thanks to the automatic vacuum-assisted feed table. With the implementation of the project, the changeover time between two print runs has been reduced from 1 hour to 20 minutes.
The second such goal was to achieve precision print quality with low tolerances. In addition to protective packaging, the project has also enabled the production of small food packaging materials requiring high precision. In addition, increased capacity, shorter changeover times and improved quality have enabled SPED-PACK Kft to become a supplier to companies previously squeezed out by price or quality expectations.